Wednesday 25 November 2009

The Adventures of Lolly Lovitt part 4

The Adventures of Lolly Lovitt Part 4

Lolly lay back and closed her eyes. The early morning sunlight warmed her face against the rush of air that stung her cheeks as the north London suburbs rushed past. She sat in the passenger seat of Celia’s convertible, her hair whipping around her forehead and her shirt billowing as she lightly scratched her fingernails over Celia’s bare arm.

Celia looked at her and smiled ‘I love you Lolly’

Lolly slapped her breast, causing the nipple to stand out spectacularly under the yellow silk of her dress ‘It’s Miss Lolly and keep your eyes on the road you fat pig’ She took the nipple between her thumb and forefinger and twisted it violently and Celia screamed ‘Sorry Miss Lolly’ then started crying.

Celia was a mess, luckily she had been left financially independent following the death of her last living relative, uncle Seymour from Cambridge. Her work in the education authority had suffered badly since she came under the spell of her bewitching little passenger as she had devoted to her every waking thought and action. Lolly kissed a tear from Celia’s cheek as it ran down to join the others in a small pool on her neck.

‘I’m going to keep you in my bedroom at home for a few days’

Celia looked round and appeared slightly concerned ‘I haven’t got a change of clothes or a toothbrush Miss Lolly’

‘Don’t worry you don’t need all that stuff’

‘What about your parents, what will they say?’

‘It’ll be fine’

They drove on in silence and Lolly leaned across and ran her hand up under Celia’s dress and slip until she found the damp lace covering her sex. Celia squirmed in her seat and breathed heavily, she was completely smitten, head over heals, she belonged body and soul to the fifteen year old, who treated her like a piece of dirt.

As they approached the house, Lolly ordered her to drive straight into the garage; there was a space to the left, next to three other cars. Once they were parked Lolly shut the garage doors and beckoned the plump red head to join her in the utility room. She produced several bundles of rope and ordered Celia to kneel on the quarry tiled floor.

‘But your parents Miss Lolly’

‘Kneel doggie’ she replied testily and grabbed the considerable ginger mane and forced Celia to her knees. A few minutes later and the unfortunate woman was bound in a classic shibari harness that emphasised her heavy breasts and secured her hands between her shoulder blades.

‘Right come on doggie, let’s go meet my mummy’

The words threw Celia into a hysterical panic and in order to prevent further ear ache, Lolly peeled off her pants and stuffed them in the offending mouth, securing them with a couple of turns of rope around the mouth and neck. Then she dragged her captive into the brightly lit kitchen where Mrs Lovitt and a Japanese domestic were finalising arrangements for a ladies charity tea that afternoon.

Lolly threw her arms round her mother and kissed her deeply on the lips. Mrs Lovitt suddenly recognised the bound creature standing in her kitchen.

‘Celia is that you, oh my word what has she done to you?’ She laughed as she sauntered over to inspect the rope work.

‘Mmm ropes certainly suit you my dear’ she said as she ran her hands appreciatively over the bound breasts. Celia was trying desperately to uuummmph some sort of embarrassed apology, but Mrs Lovitt just turned her round and inspected the ropes behind her back.

‘Very nice Lolly dear, but I would have included a crotch rope I think’

Later that afternoon Lolly met Bwiony at Brent Cross, she had been appalled to hear that the youngster’s mum refused to buy her thongs, even for wearing under trousers and she was determined to ensure Bwiony had her right to a visible undergarment free existence.

The shark and her escort scythed through the sea of shoppers as they approached Top Shop. Lolly had noticed that her young acolyte had actually a very pleasingly shaped behind and that she was just at the very cusp of beginning to blossom into a woman, although it would be some time before Lolly would have to defy the girl’s mother in the event of a bra search.

Celia had provided Lolly with some cash, but she was determined to save as much of it as she could, so while Bwiony ‘accidentally’ tripped over a rail of jeans, she stuffed several pairs of frilly things into her bag and casually wandered over to the changing room with a couple of tops. When she was in the cubicle she quickly pulled all seven delicate thongs up over her white footless tights, then smoothed down her red gingham dress over the top.

Bwiony had gone on ahead and was waiting by the Glass lift for her partner in crime, who had got as far as the door to the store when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

‘When the police arrive you will be searched and I should warn you that we always prosecute’ The man had been quite rough with her and was obviously a very angry person in Lolly’s opinion, after all its not his money is it. After a while she heard some movement outside the small room in which she sat and a brace of police officers entered.

‘Can I just make a quick phone call please’ she looked as cow eyed as she could and pouted adorably (she hoped) The policewoman looked rather bull like, but agreed and allowed Lolly to fumble in her bag for her mobile.

‘Hi mummy, I’m going to be a bit later than I thought getting home, yes fine, I’m fine. But could you just feed my doggie, I’ve left her in my bedroom, would you thanks ever so, yes there is some food under the bed. Okay mummy, love you lots, bye’

‘Now then Miss Lovitt, I understand that you may have something about your person that you have not paid for, is that correct?’

‘Well I meant to pay officer I promise, I was just trying some things on and I forgot to pay for them, look I have money, I’m not a thief I promise’ She tried to squeeze out a tear or two, but needed a bit more time to warm to the task. The policewoman took off her hat and turned to her colleague, they exchanged a few words and the male officer left.

‘Right miss Lovitt I need you to remove your clothes’ As she spoke, Lolly was aware of the merest hint of perspiration on her upper lip and noticed for the first time that the bullish looking woman had actually a very pretty face and neatly tied Blonde hair. Perhaps it was the policeishness that made her look really dykey, maybe she was a little more feminine that at first glance, definitely a dyke but maybe less intimidating.

Lolly stood and now managed a tear as she reached behind and unzipped her dress, which fell to the floor with a swish. Underneath were the seven various thongs and Lolly slipped them off one by one until she reached her tights. She looked up but the policedyke nodded for her to continue. She took off her tights and held them out, the woman took them and softly fingered the warm material. Then her bra and her own thong were held out for the same fingering, but this time they were held up to the woman’s face as she breathed in their fragrance.

Mrs Lovitt climbed the stairs, not unhappy at being able to get away from the very earnest collection of rich old birds in the lounge. She slowly peered round Lolly’s bedroom door and found the doggie at the end of the bed.

Celia was kneeling on the floor with her front against the bedpost, her breasts one each side of the antique pine were held there by thin wire binding her nipples together, there was also rope around her neck fixing her to the post. Her dress was tucked into her suspender belt at the back and her silk panties were bunched softly around her bound knees. Her back side was criss crossed with angry welts from a cane which still lay on the bed, its tip stained by her blood which had also trickled down the backs of her legs and dried.

Mrs Lovitt looked under the bed and found some dried food and some pouches of moist Pal, with gravy for healthy teeth and gums. She mixed the two into a bowl, one of a pair of stainless steel dog bowls sitting on some newspaper next to Lolly’s bed.

This complete, she sat down on the bed next to the hapless Celia and untied her from the bedpost. Gripping her by the hair she manoeuvred the head between her widely spread legs, lifted her skirt and pulled her knickers to one side, then she pulled a stinky trainer sock from Celia’s mouth and pulled her mouth onto her slit.

‘Use your tongue Celia dear and be quick I need to get back to the ladies’

Lolly was standing naked and shivering in the gaze of Policewoman Linda Barry, she held one arm across her breasts while the other hand cupped her mound.

‘Now Miss Lovitt’ said Linda as she snapped on the surgical glove Please turn around and put your hands on the chair behind you.

Lolly did as she was told but looked back over her shoulder at the WPC ‘Couldn’t you just give me warning or something?’

Linda gently pulled apart Lolly’s bum cheeks and slipped a finger between her pouty little lips, she was breathing very heavily now and her finger shook slightly as she worked it into the soft warm tunnel. Lolly shuddered and moved herself involuntarily against the hand invading her, squirming her hips and belly, gently fucking herself.

‘Couldn’t you let me go, if I made you cum really nicely or something? Please’

Linda stopped moving and Lolly could almost hear her thinking, she wiggled her bottom very slightly and softly clenched her internal muscles around the invasive finger.

Linda removed her finger and told Lolly to get dressed, then she had a brief conversation with her colleague outside the door. Lolly pouted impressively and a tear ran down her cheek as she slowly pulled her knickers up. She pulled them up high enough to ensure the outline of her sex was easily visible and then made a show of putting on her bra, comfortably arranging her breasts in the cotton cups.

When Linda had watched her dress completely she sat her down at the table. ‘Meet me outside the car park in Brewer Street at 4pm and make sure you’re there. I’ve arranged for you to be able to go and pay for these items and don’t let me catch you doing this sort of thing again. You’ve been lucky this time, do you understand?

Lolly wiped a tear from her eye and sniffled theatrically ‘Yes Miss I promise I won’t do it again’

Lolly jogged across the road to where Briony stood in the doorway of MacDonald’s and handed her the bag of underwear. She explained in part what had happened and persuaded the youngster to get the bus home, promising to call her that evening. Then she made her way towards the tube station.

Mrs Lovitt had turned out to be a squirter as well and Celia was soaked. She sat now on the newspaper at the side of Lolly’s bed and cried softly. She had done a little wee on the paper, which because of her bondage had gone all over her stockings and the knickers round her knees and she looked incredulously at the bowl of dog food and wondered how desperate she would have to be to eat it. Downstairs she could hear the sound of earnest women doing charitable work and drinking tea and sherry, then behind her the door creaked open. With some difficulty she turned around enough to see who was there and looked up into the smiling face of Mr Lovitt.

Lolly didn’t recognise Linda at first, without the anti-stab vest and all the police paraphernalia she didn’t look quite such a bull dyke. She had let her hair down, which was long and strawberry blonde and underneath the regulation white shirt peeped a colourful lacy bra. Some of the brusqueness had softened too and when she took Lolly’s arm and led her towards the car park her fingers were gentler than Lolly had expected.

‘Where are we going?’

‘To my car’

They walked down into the darkness of the cold underground place and away from the majority of the cars that were parked, it turned out that Linda had a private little space all for herself; perks of the job Lolly guessed. They slipped into the front seats of the newish Peugeot and for a few moments sat looking out at the dark brick wall in front of the car.

‘Well?’ said Linda

Lolly turned around to face her and slowly slid her hand up under the white shirt. Linda’s skin was softer than Lolly had expected and warm to her touch and as she ran her small hand gently over the large breasts Linda’s breathing became deeper and she arched her back like a cat. Lolly undid the buttons of the shirt and placed her lips ever so softly on the trembling mounds, moving slowly into the valley between, kissing or brushing lightly and breathing softly onto the smooth skin. Then she moved her face downwards over the firm belly and up against the waist band of Linda’s trousers. Linda quickly undid them and lifted her bottom off the seat for a second sliding them down over a pair of splendidly curvy hips. Lolly managed to pull the remaining black lace down far enough to get her tongue onto the policewoman’s clitoris and two fingers into her very sloppy wet pussy.

Linda had cum at least five times, long shuddering moaning orgasms that created involuntary muscle spasms all over the lower half of her body and after wards she had pulled Lolly up and they had lain a few minutes while Linda’s breathing returned to normal, their hearts beating as one. Then the older woman took Lolly’s head between her hands and kissed her, long and deep, her tongue in the young girl’s mouth and their saliva dribbling over their chins. Lolly had never been kissed like it in her life, it was like a welling up, a great swell of some massive thing that threatened to burst out of her small frame and leave her in shreds on the seat. But then it was gone and Linda was re-arranging her clothing and then they were driving out into the light and the ringing in Lolly’s ears was like her blood thumping around her head and she felt faint and trembly and a little sick and then the car was stopping outside a tube station and Linda was saying something and Lolly was a hopeless wet rag and couldn’t think or talk. Then she was out of the car on the pavement and it was like having her umbilical cord cut and the Peugeot was driving away and she looked down at her hand and the note which said ‘Same time next Saturday, be there X’

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