Monday 10 August 2009

The Adventures of Lolly Lovitt Part 1

He was sat on his own which seemed at worst strange and at best a little anti social, but there was a glass beside him and an empty plate, so at least he had made good use of her mother’s hospitality. The tree provided some shade and she was glad to get some relief from the bright hot summer sun. She glanced over her shoulder at the bulk of the guests who were the other end of the orchard mostly in groups around her mother or her father, who were probably holding court about something arty or other.

Lolly had squished her long skinny legs into a pair of tight white jeans with a silver studded belt that sort of hung haphazardly from her small hips and when she knelt down next to him she made sure her knees came to rest on a linen napkin.

‘Hi, I’m Lolly Lovitt’

‘Hello, I’m Ben, you must be the daughter then’

‘Well observed Mr Ben’ she said slightly sarcastically but smiled disarmingly and he responded in kind. She cocked her head to one side and allowed him to study her face, with its smooth unblemished skin and what seemed to him to be unfeasibly large pouting lips, which had been lightly seasoned with a subtle shade of plum. He thought her eyes and eyelashes must have been drawn on by a Manga cartoonist together with the little button nose and shock of bright auburn hair, but there was no doubt that she was beautiful and there seemed to be a knowing lasciviousness in her glance uncomfortably incongruous with her age.

Her delicate fingers were holding the lacy hem of her floaty grey smock top and he audibly gasped as she lifted it above her breasts which were contained in a flowery cotton bra.

‘Do you think my breasts are too small?

She took hold of one of his hands and flattened it against the plump round flesh. He jumped and looked over at the other guests but didn’t take his hand away. She was kneading herself with his hand and he could feel the nipple beneath the soft cotton hardening under his palm.

‘You have a nice touch, I like people who have a nice touch. Well?’

‘Well what?’

‘Are they too small?’

‘No, no they’re perfect, how old are you?’

’Fifteen, you?’

’Fifteen! I can’t be doing this, Oh my god’

He ripped his hand away and she pouted ‘Where do you live?’

‘I live next door, God I see you go to school every morning’

‘You watch me?’

‘What, No, I just see you going down the path and, no I don’t watch you’

He looked a little uncomfortable and she eased off and covered herself up. She stood up so that her midriff was a few inches from his face, her jeans had slipped down a little and exposed the top of her knickers, she made a show of pulling them up and turned to walk back to the main groups of guests. She looked back over her shoulder.

‘Don’t you dare go home without saying goodbye, will you?’

She made her way over to her mother Arabella Lovitt who was talking earnestly at a plumpish woman with wild red hair and a silky yellow dress. Lolly slipped her arm around her mother’s waist and her hand into the top of her skirt and then snuggled her face up against the older woman’s ample breast.

‘Hello darling this is Celia, she’s something in education, why don’t you talk to her, I have to go and see to your father I think he’s about to sell your Grandma to an Arab gentleman’

Suddenly Lolly was alone with the woman who had a little bit of desperation sweat on her top lip as she gazed at Lolly.

‘Can I get you a drink Cecilia?’

‘Actually it’s Celia and no thanks I’ve got one here somewhere’

She looked around and fumbled around on a wooden table till she came back up with a glass of pink Laurent Perrier. Lolly took it from her and looked her in the eye as she downed it in one go. The woman bit her lip and breathed hard, she didn’t seem to know what to make of this impish beauty, but Lolly Lovitt wise and bad beyond her years had Celia summed up and caught in her web.

‘Would you like some water?’

The woman trembled slightly as she spoke and brought her fingers to her mouth ‘Y’you’re very pretty Lolly’ she stammered. Lolly invaded her space and pressed her small body up against the silk covered curves, she pushed the flat of her hand against the plump mound of Celia’s mons and brushed her lips across her throat.

‘You could be quite pretty too if you lost a bit of weight’

Celia stepped backwards and looked for a moment as if she might cry, Lolly waited in expectation.

‘If you want to know about university courses, I erm, could meet you after school and show you what’s available.


‘Right, then erm when?’

‘Well I finish at three thirty each day, just be outside the school gates and I’ll come with you’

Before Celia could say anything else Lolly was off to cause more mayhem and by the end of the evening her seventeen year old cousin had had an unfortunate ejaculation on his black trousers and a friend of her father’s had promised her a snorkelling holiday in Greece. The party started to wind down at around eleven and she was thinking of going to bed when she remembered Mr Ben from next door, as luck would have it as she wandered through the house he was at the front door saying his goodnights. She sidled up to him and asked if he thought he was getting away with out telling her, he looked a bit guilty but it could have been the fact that a fifteen year old girl was chasing him and not that he had tried to get away from her.

Half an hour later she slipped through the hedge at the bottom of their respective gardens and tip toed across the lawn to his French doors, on which she planted a huge sloppy kiss. He looked nervous and kept glancing at the house next door probably expecting her dad to come vaulting over the fence with a golf club in his hand to beat the crap out of him. To help him relax Lolly undid his trousers and scooped out his stiffening cock and before he could complain her warm mouth had enveloped him and he leaned back against the wall and sighed heavily.

He had a nice cock and she made full use of it, she made him fuck her in all her tight little holes and she made him come six times and by the time she slipped out of his house around 4am he looked to all the world as if he was dead. She kissed the end of his exhausted cock and pulled on her flowery knickers which she stuck a pad in to catch all his semen that had already started to leak from her. She looked at the bite marks and the scratches that she had inflicted and hoped that they would still be there when his wife returned later that week.

She closed the back door as quietly as she could and started to tippy toe up the stairs, suddenly aware of her lack of sleep. As she passed her father’s study she heard a soft voice call her name, she sighed and as she turned to enter she undid her jeans and slipped them down her weary legs…

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