Thursday 13 August 2009

Part 2

Lolly wondered through the corridor carefully avoiding the streams of uniformed kids that seemed determined to get in her way and get on her nerves. She tended to strut rather than walk, always minutely aware of her own superiority a bit like a shark cutting through the water. She even had her own little pilot fish, it was 11 and was called Briony, pronounced by its owner as Bwiony. Bwiony laboured under the terrible weight of a massive crush on Lolly and couldn’t bear even for a moment to be apart from her, thus every break and before and after school she would be tagging along behind the object of her desire. Lolly tolerated this behaviour because Bwiony ran errands for her and brought her presents and well, made Lolly feel a bit like Gwen Stefani.

Bwiony leaned against the wall outside the head master’s office and tried to listen to what was going on inside.

The head sat on the corner of his desk and glared ‘Miss Lovitt you are a disgrace, you are letting the whole school down, now unless you can come up with a very good reason why not? I shall have to recommend that you are suspended’

Bwiony looked up at Lolly as she closed the head’s door behind her ‘Are you in twouble?’

‘No hunny course not’

‘What’s that white stuff on your jumper?’

Lolly looked down and taking a tissue from her bag she wiped the semen from her breast ‘Oh its nothing, I’ll tell you all about that stuff one day’ she licked her lips and checked her teeth in the window’s reflection.

They walked out onto the main road amidst the heaving hoards and Lolly spotted a little blue convertible across from the gates. In the drivers seat was the unmistakable plumpness of Celia, all silk and chiffon and big red hair. She and Bwiony caught Celia’s eye and both crossed the road.

‘Hello Lolly, I wondered if you’d like some tea and a chat’

‘Okay, can you give my friend a lift home first though?’

‘Yes of course, jump in’

Lolly held the seat forward for Bwiony who obediently climbed in the back, Lolly sat in the front and turned in her seat to face Celia, her legs wide apart. This immediately had the desired effect on Celia who started to become shiny and flustered, Bwiony leaned forward and gazed into Lolly’s face and Lolly gave her a little peck on the nose and the youngster almost swooned all away.

A few minutes later and Lolly and Celia were alone. ‘Shall we go to my house for tea, I have some lovely homemade cake?’

‘Yeah okay’ Lolly leaned over and put her hand flat on the nylon clad leg beneath the silk dress and it was Celia’s turn to swoon. She moved smoothly up the plump thigh and discovered the elastic lace top of the stocking where it indented the cool flesh, then she removed her hand altogether and smiled to herself at the appalled reaction from her victim.

‘You really are the most gorgeous creature Lolly’

‘I know, so what makes you think I’d be interested in an old skank like you?’

Her words slapped the unfortunate Celia in the face and wrenched a tear from the side of one eye ‘But why are you coming with me?’

‘Pity I guess’

Celia drove on in silence just crying softly to herself, Lolly stifling a giggle watched the North London buildings wend their way past the car and let the cool afternoon air refresh her young jaded appetite.

They parked outside a typical terraced house and Lolly groaned at the thought of what this flowery flouncy bird’s bedroom would look like. Drapes and bright colours and pine furniture and little knick knacks and lacy doilies and perfume bottles. Oh Yuk!

Celia sulked for a few moments and nearly didn’t get out of the car, but Lolly knew her and knew what she wanted and she was going to give it to her and make as much as she could out of the old twat.

As soon as Celia opened the door Lolly slapped her face.

‘Why are you still standing you slut, get on your knees now!’ She slapped her again and pushed her foot into the back of Celia’s knees, she fell heavily onto the tiled floor and Lolly wound her hand into the mass of red hair and twisted it viciously, then she leaned in closely to the whimpering woman’s ear and whispered ‘On all fours doggie and don’t you dare move from this spot till I tell you’

Celia bit her lip and breathed hard her shoulders trembling with each exhalation, tears plopped onto the floor and she looked straight ahead ‘Yes Miss’

Lolly went into the kitchen and rooted around a bit, after a few minutes she retuned with a ball of green garden twine and a dog’s choke chain. She slipped the chain round Celia’s neck and pulled up her dress so that the ample round bottom was exposed, as was the wet silk gusset that bulged out from between the plump thighs.

‘Right, come on bitch’ said Lolly and yanked the chain hard ‘Where’s your bedroom little fat dog, Miss Lolly is going to give you a nice bone’

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