Thursday 4 June 2009

The Best Day of My Life

As i walked down the aisle on my dad’s arm, i had a very real sense of being given away. Rob turned slightly as we approached i could see him trying not to look at me. A tear squeezed out of the corner of my beautifully made-up eye and started its happy/sad course down the gentle curve of my cheek. My dress rustled, acres of scarlet net beneath ivory silk and my shoes clacked on the marble tiles of the grand terrace of my new home. The registrar was beaming and the two families gazed at me as i processed towards my new life.
Only six months before, my eyes had met Rob’s across a crowded bar. i had been on a weekend break to York, to meet an old friend from uni and we had ventured into the Dales looking for a bracing walk and a pub lunch. i had found my perfect man.
i remembered the first time he had slipped his hand between my legs, his rough calloused farmer’s skin catching on my tights and his sweet handsome face, boyish and apologetic. His bluff Yorkshire way and his classical education an interesting juxtaposition etched into his rugged flesh and his dancing blue eyes.
We danced the night away, stealing kisses and giggled conversations as our two families mingled on the dance floor. i was deliriously happy, the centre of attention and desperately in love with my lovely man. i couldn’t wait till everyone had gone and i could start to peel my layers of expensive finery deliciously off my perfumed and pampered body and give myself to him completely. i could feel the wetness seeping through the exquisite silk between my legs as i danced and laughed and my breast heaved with my wantonness.
At last it was midnight and the guests had left in a fleet of taxis and we were alone at last… or so i thought.
i swept up the palatial staircase like Scarlett Ohara while Rob went to lock up the many doors and windows of my country mansion. i decided that i would take my responsibilities as the wife of the Lord of the Manor very seriously and fully intended to judge the biscuit and cakes competition at the village fete the very next weekend. i mused on such nonsense as i sat on the edge of the four poster and kicked off my silken shoes.
The door opened softly behind me as i undid the catch on my dress at the nape of my neck.
‘Do my zip for me sweetheart’ i whispered huskily
A hand with rough skin took the zip and slowly pulled it down my back, i turned slowly slipping my arms around its owner. With my eyes closed i raised my face and puckered my painted lips… The fist smashed into my cheek, everything happened in such a blur that i didn’t have time to scream. A boot cracked into my ribs and then my bum and i looked up into the faces of my new father in law and his four other sons! They picked me up and threw my limp body a good six feet onto the bed, i instinctively tried to crawl away but they were on me in a second tearing at the dress, the petticoats and my underwear. More punches rained down on me and i slipped thankfully into unconsciousness.
i heard voices crudely discussing my body from the dark and i wanted to stay there, but gradually my vision returned and i woke into a nightmare.
i was lying on the bed, my wrists were bound tightly to the two posts at the head, my neck to the tester above. i could taste blood in my mouth and my face was swollen and misshapen, one eye virtually shut. My breasts were bare and cut and bruised and the only clothing left to me was my beautiful antique corset and the white silk stockings that hung from its suspenders, which were torn and laddered. My ankles were bound to a point somewhere above my head and i could feel the cool air playing over my hot, seeping pussy.
i spotted my Rob and screamed for him to help me, but to my horror he just laughed and sipped Champagne. i looked around the room, every male member of his family appeared to be there and amidst a cacophony of male banter his youngest brother climbed up onto the bed between my legs. He shoved his trousers down to his knees and lay on me. i felt the head of his erection for a second and then he thrust himself inside me to a cheer from the excited spectators.
‘Welcome to the family sis in law’ He said sweetly as he pulled out his now flaccid cock ‘How do you like it so far?’
i screamed again at my husband in the forlorn hope that he would do something to stop what was happening, but he slapped my face and shoved his cock in my mouth and down my throat.
As the sun came up, i guessed around thirty five uncles, brothers and cousins had welcomed me into the family. It was explained to me that i belonged to all the male members and that they would take me anytime, anywhere, anyhow. They told me that any resistance would be dealt with severely, that i was now breeding stock and if i failed to produce children, i would be given to the dogs and the horses and would spend the rest of my life living in my own shit.
i slept fitfully and prayed for a miracle.
The door opened softly, i held my breath as a shadowy form crept to my side. ‘Daddy, is that you?’ He started to undo the ropes round my wrist ‘Oh daddy i knew you’d save me’ tears of joy welled in my eyes and mixed with the pooled semen there, my daddy was there and everything would be alright.
Something icy grabbed my heart as i realised that he was holding my hands behind me and retying them, then my elbows. i had no strength or will to resist, he looped the ropes from behind round my neck and face, in my mouth pushing my tongue back, making me gag and choke. He hauled me to my feet and round to the end of the bed, bent me over and attached my bound wrists to the tester above me. Semen bubbled out of my asshole and my pussy and ran thickly down the inside of my trembling legs.
i tried to speak but my disappointment had dropped me into a black hole of despair that was engulfing my soul. He took off his belt. The first blow landed on my buttocks and it seemed to take forever for the pain to reach my brain, but when it did it was like a blinding steel pin driven through my head and out through my ass. Saliva and semen splattered out of my mouth with all hope and i stood numbly as my father thrashed me with all his strength.
‘This is for all those sleepless nights – whack! – this is for being such a little princess – whack! – this is for all the money you’ve cost – whack! – this is for being an ungrateful little cunt – whack!...
He stopped hitting me ‘And this is for parading around in front of me naked’ i could feel his cock at my open lips. ‘for sitting on my lap and wriggling and leaving your dirty underwear around for me to sniff and wearing skirts that were too short and… he thrust into me!

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