Thursday 4 June 2009


I walked confidently, even though I was shaking uncontrollably, into the dimly lit and smoke filled room. The solid steel cuffs that rendered my wrists painfully and inescapably joined behind my back, lay incongruously on my trembling bottom and the diaphanous white dress that floated around me as I walked. It had seemed modest in the dull yellow lights of the foyer, but now as I walked into and out of bright shards of white light it hid nothing of my body beneath.
In the dark I could make out the shapes of women sitting in groups around tables, piled with empty wine bottles and the smoking butts of dozens of Havana cigars, occasionally the light caught a polished jack-boot or the insignia on a uniform, or a red arm band. I continued my journey through the gaps between closely set up tables, now and then a hand would find its way up under my dress, only to be thwarted by the harsh steel of the chastity device that indented the flesh around my waist and between my trembling legs. I sensed a gloved hand going straight to its owner’s nose after it slid over the metal, covering my cunt, its worn leather greased with my slick juices. But on I walked, leaving a mist of just bathed and perfumed fragrance in my wake, as I made towards a small clearing bathed in the intense whiteness of a spotlight.
The babble of voices in the room subsided as I was ushered to a post in the clearing and became a murmur of appreciation as my stainless steel collar was attached to a chain dangling from on top of it. I stood shaking in the bright scrutiny, my breasts heaving and my heart thumping at the inside of my ribs, into the light strode a woman with a duelling scar on her cheek. She came nearer and rubbed a gloved hand over the stubble of her shaved head, I looked fearfully at the cruel twist in her smile and the gold teeth that glinted in my eyes.
With a shocking and sudden movement she slapped the side of my face, which rocked my head violently to one side, slowly I looked up at her again, my eye twitching and blinking. She slapped me again and this time I felt a trickle of blood running down the side of my face, but I got the idea and looked down at the ground from then on. Her boots crunched loudly as she walked around me, squeezing my breasts or lifting my chin. Then she laughed loudly and turned me round so my back was to the audience and pulled my dress up to my waist. I squirmed and tried to retain some dignity, there was an audible gasp from the uniformed women as the horrendous blue and red welts covering the back of my legs were exposed. Then another murmur of pleasure as she pulled the open leg silk knickers to one side exposing my left cheek and the branded from childhood swastika that adorned it.
Another figure joined the woman and there was some whispering between them, then money changed hands and my new owner turned back to me and I saw the vicious ice blue eyes for the first time as they stared into my soul and turned my shit to water. Now hands grabbed me from all around and forced me to my knees, a wide leather belt was put between my teeth and pulled brutally back so my head was hard against the post. My hair that was piled elegantly on top of my head was pulled behind the post as well and two strong hands held my face from behind, my head was completely immobile.
I could smell the heat from the brand before I could see it and I struggled against the hands that held me, until my owner planted her boot firmly into my floating ribs and punched my breasts. Hot tears stung my eyes as the red hot metal neared my face and I sensed from some faraway place urine spraying out from beneath my chastity belt. I tried to scream but another belt was pulled round my neck and the noise stayed in my strangled throat. My hysterical brain couldn’t make out the number on the brand or the symbol next to it, but I knew that it would be big enough to cover my whole forehead and I felt the sweat on my head start to boil.
The last I remember is hearing the cheer from the crowd and smelling the burnt meat…


  1. Mistress slapped a side of my face
    And the other one, again and again
    Till my head felt inert alongside my neck

    I felt on my knees, hands on the floor
    And I felt the tips of her boots
    Kicking my belly, ribs and breasts

    Holding my head in her divine hand
    She punched my mouth and nose

    From my tear lips, I taste the blood
    Taping from my wounded mouth

  2. Thank you michelle, i hope you like my stories. i can see that we perhaps have a common sensibility. Are you a lifestyle submissive or do you fantasise about masochism?

  3. Natalie,

    We have, indeed, a common sensibility and I am so distress not being as fluent in English as would be suitable to express my feelings, like you do in your texts I love so much. I have live for a while as a submissive girl within a SM ring and I had to leave when near exhaustion and self destruction, moral and physical. Now I fulfil my impulses dreaming and writing, sharing my thoughts with a few pen friends.

  4. Hi Michelle, thank you soo much for liking my stories and your kind words. i would love to share thoughts and experiences and i am very excited to find out what befell you in the SM ring. From your name and your accent that i perceive through your writing i am guessing that you are French; which i have to admit is a culture that is very close to my heart.
    Please feel free to contact me by email or are you perhaps on facebook? if so you can find me by nathalie falcone
    i look foward to hearing from you X
