Thursday 4 June 2009

The Gym

It was all my sister’s fault, getting tangled up with Russians i knew they were dodgy. We’d always wanted the gym, it was like a dream since we were kids, but why she had to borrow money from Kiril… and why in god’s name she ever thought it would be okay to double cross him!
They showed me pictures of what they’d done to her before she died, I pissed my pants. They showed me what they’d done to her daughter, my beautiful sweet darling niece Daisy, I was sick down my front and they laughed. She was only ten.
When they raped me i looked into their eyes, looking for some hint of humanity. i saw only cold hard steel and it sliced through my poor aching heart. The fourth one didn’t want me, i think he was gay, but i don’t think he knew, he just kicked me until i lost consciousness.
They dragged me to my feet and held me up by my neck, the moonlight cut through the inky dark and illuminated our shuffling group towards the rows of gym cycles standing quiet and ghostly in the weird light. They made me strip myself of my torn clothing, the piss filled panties from around my ankles and my vomit stained dress. They made me do it with broken fingers.
Kiril stepped forward his image swimming in my tear-filled eyes. i looked at him, surely there was something there, something that i could use to at least save my life. i thought about Daisy, poor sweet Daisy her tiny body torn and brutalised and i knew there was nothing i could do.
They sat me on one of the exercise bikes, their semen running out of me and coating the plastic, my buttocks settled in the wetness. My hands, with my fingers shattered and dislocated and pointing off in all different directions, were wired to the handlebars by the wrists. The ends of the wire, coat hangers i think, although i don’t know why that’s important, were twisted and twisted until my flesh started to blacken. A similar thing was done to attach my feet to the pedals. My tears ran down over my bruised breasts causing an electrifying pain in the hole where my left nipple had been bitten off.
The gay one was pulling what looked like two small freezer bags out of a briefcase. Kiril looked at me and said simply ‘Stand up cunt’
i did as I was told and one of the bags was shoved into my pussy. i looked at him and tried to say ‘Please Kiril’ but no words came. The bag was cold inside me. The staple gun clicked twenty times and my labia were closed forever. i was commanded to sit while the other bag was forced into my mouth, opened by a gloved thumb pressed agonisingly into my jaw. It tasted vile and I had to fight hard not to vomit again. Tape was wound round and round my face sealing it in, my eyes darted from one blank cruel face to the other, my gut-wrenching fear growing inexorably towards blind panic.
Kiril put his mouth to my ear ‘You see my dear, the money is of very small importance, this is really about not losing face. Especially losing face to a couple of cunts like you and your cunt sister. But, let it not be said that I am not a fair man, I am going to give you a chance’
For the first time a smile threatened to soften his face, but when it arrived it was even more frightening than the blank expression. i emptied my bladder again, the liquid spraying out from behind several of the cruel steel bands that closed my sex.
He didn’t seem to notice and carried on in his soft terrifying accent ‘The bags inside you contain plastic explosive and in a moment we will leave you here. The detonators will be wired to the speedometer of this exercise machine and you will have a period of ten minutes to build up to a speed of at least 30kph. After that time if you allow the speed to drop below 30kph the explosive devices in your mouth and cunt will blow everything in this room into a million tiny pieces!’ He smiled properly now ‘They won’t find enough of you to put in a grave.
They didn’t even look back at me, the gay one waited until the others had left and wired the speedo up to two silvery grey pieces of metal about the size of a pencil. The pointed end of the first of these he placed against my belly just above the pubic bone. i realised what was about to happen just too late and the shock of the pain as he pushed it through me and into the bag inside me, almost made me slip once more into unconsciousness. i fought the woozy nauseous feeling and tried to breathe hard through my nostrils. The next detonator went through my cheek into the bag in my mouth, but i was almost ready for that one and i fought, i fought for my life.
Without a word he went and i started pedalling and pedalling. i pedalled with every ounce of my strength. It was 10pm now, the cleaner would be in at 7am tomorrow morning, an hour more to get the bomb squad. Okay, i only had to pedal this thing at 30kph for around ten hours and i’d live, i could do this…
11.15pm people living around the area where the gym was, reported hearing what sounded like a dull thud.

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